Book: Change Your Mind - A Practical Guide to Buddhist Meditation
By Paramananda
(Text taken from Change Your Mind by Paramananda):
(Since 1985 when he joined the Triratna Buddhist Order, Paramananda has been teaching meditation and Buddhism full-time).
Buddhism is based on the truth that, with effort, we can change the way we are. But how? Among the many methods Buddhism has to offer, meditation is the most direct. It is the art of getting to know one's own mind and learning to encourage what is best in us.
This straightforward and imaginative book focuses on two Buddhist meditation practices - the Mindfulness of Breathing, the bedrock of all meditation practice, and the Metta Bhavana, which gradually nurtures in us an unshakeable confidence and a warm concern for the welfare of others. It deals fully with the practical aspects of meditation, including how to maintain a regular practice and how to deal with any difficulties that arise.
This is an accessible and thorough guide, based on traditional material but written in a light and modern style. Colourfully illustrated with anecdotes and tips from the author's experience as a meditator and teacher, it also offers refreshing inspiration to seasoned meditators.
To take up meditation is to introduce a powerful force for change into your life. If you change your mind then the world changes too. Meditation can be the beginning of life's greatest adventure.
To find out more about the book, including how to get a copy, click here.