Men+ Groups

Men+ Groups

Event dates vary, please check our programme.

Men+ groups are held online using Zoom at 7pm on the second Friday of every month, when we join men from all over the South East. 
It’s a friendly evening in which we usually do a little ritual, share how we are, and maybe have a discussion and/or a talk or two. 

All are welcome, from complete beginners to experienced Dharma-farers.

If you’d like to join this group, please email or contact Danaketu at

We also hope to start up a men’s walking group in the Deal area, contact Paul Smith 07715 428430.


Future Dates For Your Diary coming soon…

Watch this space for updates of upcoming events…


A look back at 2024…

March - Our Connectedness and Relationships; Self, Other and the World 

There will be meditation, some light study and discussion, refreshments and lunch and in the afternoon an optional walk, maybe to a cafe. (This event was hosted by Danaketu in March 2024).

How To Join

Use a PC or Mac

For most modern web browsers, you do not need to download anything. For a better experience you can, before the start time, download the Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Mac, or Linux. You do not need to create an account or sign in.

A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.

Use a Mobile or Tablet

Before the start time, download the Zoom Mobile App using one of the links below. You do not need to create an account or sign in.

A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.