Buddhist Action Month all year round!
BAM was initiated by the Network of Buddhist Organizations in 2012, and events occur worldwide. These links are devoted to how you can get involved all year round. Click ‘Download the Programme’ at the bottom of the page to view the official Handbook.

BAM Online Resources
What will you do to help?

Book: The Burning House by Shantigarbha
Shantigarbha’s book is a Buddhist Response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. If you are interested in reading the book, click on the image to find out more.
Available in paperback or eBook format.

BAM 2022: Compassion & Connection in Times of Crisis
A look back at what we did in 2022…
Coming soon…

BAM 2023: Climate & Compassion for Ourselves & the Earth
For a comprehensive guide to this year’s BAM events within the East Kent Sangha scroll to the bottom of the page…
Deal Earth Sangha Kula (DESK)
DESK will share ways of reducing our carbon footprint; living with kindness for the earth and creatures upon it. Below are just a few ideas to take a look at…

30 Day Eco-Challenge
As part of the Triratna Earth Sangha retreat, we will be asking you to take part in a 30-day challenge throughout the month of June (or whenever you fancy). Each morning there will be an entry on the retreat padlet covering a simple topic that you can reflect on to see how you might incorporate it into your life.
Click on the image for full details.

Our Carbon Footprint & the 5 Precepts
We all need to take responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint and there are many ways. This article explores how we can link this to the Buddhist teaching principle of The Five Precepts…
Article written and kindly shared by Sarvajit, Cambridge Triratna.