Donations & Financial Information

Donations can be given as one-off payments, or by setting up a standing order. You can set up a standing order yourself using online or phone banking using these account details:

Account NameTriratna East Kent Buddhist Group (or as many characters as your bank allows)
Sort CodePlease contact us for details.
Account NumberPlease contact us for details.

For a single donation: "Sangha dana"

For a standing order: "Monthly dana"

After setting up a standing order please email confirming the amount and start date.



Dana and Financial information (Correct as of December 2024)

Where does our money come from?

Dana from regular standing orders and one-off cash payments for: 

sangha activities including sangha evenings, women’s and men’s events, festival days, study classes, and visiting speakers.

Payment for retreats.

A legacy from a sangha member who sadly died.

Bank interest.

We have made an application for registration for Gift Aid which will increase the amount of dana we receive from eligible members.

Where does our money go?

Hire of premises including Sholden Village Hall, the Pilates Shed in Deal, Canterbury Friends’ Meeting House,  ‘CAMP’ in Margate, retreat centres and any other venues we hire.

Support for Order Members to carry out their duties, attend relevant courses and retreats.

Bursary fund to assist sangha members to go on retreat.

Regular donations to Triratna organisations – currently Dharmachakra and European Chairs Assembly.

Occasional donations to other Triratna organisations, including Tiratanaloka Unlimited. 

A loan to Tiratanaloka Unlimited towards the purchase of a new retreat centre. 

Donations to visiting speakers.

Regular payments for zoom, website, Facebook, insurance.

Payment for Social Media Coordinator.

Accounts auditing.

Bank charges.

Sangha expenses, including flowers, rupas, printing.


We have had advice from a professional charity fundraiser regarding the use of the legacy. Some of the legacy has been used for a loan to Tiratanaloka towards the purchase of a retreat centre. The remainder is held in reserve for potential new costs during and after this current year of transition. 

Charity Commission

Information, including our financial and annual reports, can be found by searching the charity register on the Charity Commission website, and entering our name – Triratna East Kent Buddhist Group. Our Charity number is: 1188543.

If you’d like any further information, please email Maddava:

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