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Sangha Evening in Deal
Most Wednesdays, 7-9PM, Sholden Village Hall, Deal, CT14 0AH - (please see below for individual event dates)
Dharma talks, meditation practice and pūjā.
Suitable for those aged 18+ with some experience of the practices we teach.
Please click image for further details of this week’s programme.
Sholden Village Hall, Sholden New Road, Deal CT14 0AH.

Beach Meditation in Deal
Morning meditation practice suitable for all levels. (Event also on Zoom).
In-person at Deal Beach - near Paddling Pool & Cedars Surgery, Marine Road, CT14 7DN ( Zoom details in description).

Saturday Morning Drop-In Meditation Class, Deal
Meditation practice suitable for all levels. No need to book.
Doors open for entry at 11:05AM, but will close promptly at 11:15AM for meditation to start.
The Pilates Shed, 98-102 High Street, Deal CT14 6EE

Introduction to Buddhism & Study Groups
We periodically host Introduction to Buddhism short courses as well as weekly and fortnightly study groups
Our study groups are suitable for those wanting to explore Buddhism in more depth. Please note - to join one of our weekly/fortnightly Study Groups please email: ekbuddhists@gmail.com
Currently takes place in-person as well as on Zoom.

Women+ Mornings
A morning of practice for women in the Sangha.
Sholden Village Hall, Sholden New Road, Deal CT14 0AH.

Men+ Groups
Event dates vary, please check our programme.
Events for men in the Sangha from all over the South East.
Venues vary, so please refer to the programme of events.

Alfoxton: A Renovating Virtue
A year in the life of the Triratna Buddhist Community.
A reflective delight from Hartley Woolf, filmmaker and member of the new Buddhist community at Alfoxton.
Click on image to access YouTube link to film.

Sangha Care Group
Care group open to all sangha members living in East Kent.
“Monks, you have no mother, you have no father, who might tend to you. If you don't tend to one another, who then will tend to you? Whoever would tend to me, should tend to the sick.”
Contact: ekbuddhists@gmail.com for more information.

Saturday Drop-In Meditation Morning, Canterbury
Beginners are most welcome, with no need to book. Suggested donation £5, tea & biscuits provided.
In-person at Friends Meeting House, 6 The Friars, Canterbury CT1 2AS.

Monday Drop-In Meditation Morning, Margate
This is a friendly class run by members of our group. No experience is necessary.
In-person at CAMP, 125 Northdown Road, Margate, CT9 2QY.