Sangha Care Group
Care group open to all sangha members living in East Kent.
East Kent Buddhists Sangha Care Group Mission statement:
The Sangha Care Group is an informal group offering friendship and simple care to people within the sangha, like shopping, giving lifts, popping in for a cup of tea. It is not offering counselling, therapy or trained/professional nursing care and will therefore not need training in that respect.
The care is open to all sangha members living in East Kent.
Confidentiality is very important but the care team is a group and will need to discuss the care that people have asked for and discuss if people have needs beyond what the team are able to offer. It will be up to the individual if they want to accept what the care team can offer.
In terms of codes of conduct the team will be guided by the five Buddhist precepts and there will be regular discussion within the group as to whether any of these have been broken similar to confession practice.
To find out more, email: ekbuddhists@gmail.com
Suttha on Dysentery
“Monks, you have no mother, you have no father, who might tend to you. If you don't tend to one another, who then will tend to you? Whoever would tend to me, should tend to the sick.”
Background to the Group
What we plan to do in the Sangha Care Group is actually what we have been doing informally for several years. It’s just helping each other in times of stress.
In the past we have supported a sangha member who had breast cancer; someone who had bypass surgery; someone who had terminal cancer and an elderly sangha member who was living in sheltered accommodation. We did their shopping, provided cooked dinners, kept them company, meditated with them and took them on hospital visits. As much as possible we keep an eye on anyone who may need some support.
This is the sort of friendly help we are offering. Sometimes just a phone call is supportive enough. We do not offer professional help, this is informal, caring support.
By forming the ‘Sangha Care’ Group we are merely formalising what has been done before. We will be confidential, contacting next of kin when needed but not keep any formal records.
We have an 8 person Team to create rotas when necessary, to advise and to collect info and organise help. We would like anyone who has time and care to offer to get in touch with us. Anyone who needs help, or knows someone who does, also please get in touch.
The team consists of Ingrid, Prajnasisya, Paul, Bryony, Carole, Rachel, Penny and Jenni. All interest from any quarter will be gratefully received.
Please contact Ingrid on 07814 768715
Sangha Care Group
The Sangha Care Group is an informal group offering friendship and simple care to people within the sangha, like shopping, giving lifts, popping in for a cup of tea.