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Sangha Retreat September 2024: The World Beyond The Ones We Know

Sangha Retreat September 2024: The World Beyond The Ones We Know

Saturday 14 September 2024 – Sunday 15 September 2024

(We had hoped to go to Adhisthana but this is no longer feasible)

The World Beyond the Ones We Know.

Danapriya and Vanaraji will lead us in this expansive theme.

We know what we know.
Until we experience beyond what we know.
We can only experience more by having an open mind.
This means we know that we don’t know everything.

We all have views which come from our past experience, and we
can stay limited by these views - or we can keep expanding into
other worlds, other ways of seeing things, a larger perspective.

Often when I am reading the Dharma, I can have: ‘Ah Hah’ moments -
I understand something I didn’t before. Or when I am in group study, and I
think about the theme in one way, then others explain that they see
it differently, and my perspective grows…

We will explore this area and much more beyond our limited

The retreat is for 2 days; Saturday 14th September 10AM - 5PM, and
Sunday 15th September 10AM - 4PM at Sholden Village Hall, with a Puja on the beach on Saturday evening, (weather permitting).

Hopefully people travelling from Canterbury and Margate will be
able to stay overnight - Prajnasisya and David have some spare
rooms and a garden to camp in. Other sangha members can also
offer accommodation.

(Please do contact Prajnasisya at: for more information on accommodation).

Suggested cost for the 2 days is: 

£75 (Full) 

£55 (Low Waged) 

£35 (Unwaged)

Please note, our retreat price will include a vegan sausage and chips meal on the Saturday evening, however we ask people to bring food for shared lunches on the Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes. Thank You.


Please contact Prajnasisya at: to book your space and please transfer monies to:

Triratna East Kent Buddhist Group

Account Number: 21391513

Sort Code: 16-58-10

Reference: (Please use your name, followed by ‘Retreat’, eg, ASmith Retreat)

When you have done this it is essential that you email Prajnasisya at as Prajnasisya is managing the bookings. 

Thank You.


UPDATE 11th September 2024:

Dear Sangha Retreatants,

Below is the programme for the weekend. There will be 25 of us. Please arrive at Sholden at 9.45am to help set up. We will be having a shared lunch both days, please bring something to share, food can be stored in the fridge. If you are staying for the puja on the beach, please bring a candle, warm clothes to wear and something to sit on. We will be ordering a vegan sausage and chips for everyone.  If you need a lift from Deal station please let me know as Jon has arranged to pick people up.

My mobile number is 07952 882470. 

Do get in touch if you have any queries.

With metta,


Saturday 14th September

10:00- Welcome

        - Meditation 

10:45- Talk on the theme: The world beyond the one we know. Led by Danapriya 

11:30- Tea break

11:50- Discussion groups

12:45- Big group Q&A/comments

13:00- Lunch

14:15- Silent walking meditation down Marsh Lane

15:00- Talk on the theme: The world beyond the one we know. Led by Vanaraji 

15:40- Discussion groups

16:10- Meditation 

17:00- Transfer to beach for vegan sausage and chip supper. (If wet at Sholden Village Hall)

18:30- Puja on the beach

Sunday 15th September 

10:00- Welcome

        - Meditation 

10:45- 3 Talks by members of the Sangha on ‘How I’ve changed my mind, my views since practicing Buddhism’ Ingrid, Janice and Jon.

11:30- Tea break 

11:50- Discussion groups

12:45- Q&A/comments

13:00- Lunch

14:15- Meditation and Puja

16:00- End

The Team
