Vegan Fundraiser Cookbook

Vegan Fundraiser Cookbook

A fund-raising book which is being organised by Cleo from our Sangha and her husband Gerald

Hello Friends,

Members of the East Kent group have plans to create a vegan cookbook for the purpose of raising more funds for the Future Dharma Fund (FDF). 

So far this year we have already raised over £1,200. FDF is an amazing charity which offers grants large and small to Triratna projects across the world.

We are hoping to enlist support in two ways:  By inviting Sangha members from various locations to provide favourite recipes for the creation of the cookbook and then to purchase the end result!

The East Kent community have been running a lunch club (meeting monthly) for over a year and a half - with great success! This allows the opportunity for members of the Sangha to get together in an informal social context, with different people hosting by offering the venue and either requesting that attendees bring contributions along or the host provides the entire lunch. Sometimes we do a little of both. In all instances we have had enjoyable Community meals together and it is in this spirit that we would like to produce a ‘Community Cookbook’- compiled from recipes by the Triratna Community to be purchased and enjoyed for making meals for friends and family upon completion.

To support our endeavour, we would like to ask you to provide your favourite recipes (if you love ‘it’, please share ‘it’ and tell us why!) and once the cookbook is compiled and printed, we will let you know further details, including how to purchase it.

We welcome vegan recipes for everything from soup and starters, to mains and sides to baked goods and desserts and so on.

We request that when making your contributions that you please use the following guidelines:- 

  • Provide your name and where you are from i.e. East Kent Sangha, and maybe you would like to add a little information about yourself, i.e. a short introduction/anecdote/message about what the recipe means to you, or why you have chosen it.
  • Start with the title of your dish and list the ingredients for making 4-6 portions (or a batch/loaf e.g. cookies, scones, cake) followed by the instructions. (Also please provide, if you can, a photo or sketch of the finished item).
  • Email recipes to:
  • The closing date for receiving recipes is 15th of September 2024.
  • When emailing your recipe, please list in the subject box what category the recipe is e.g. Curry, Cake, Salad, Stew…Please put recipe instructions in your own words - we cannot replicate verbatim, recipes from other printed sources/on line recipes e.g. Nigella Lawson due to copyright and plagiarism laws.
  • The same applies to any images - these cannot be sourced from publications or on line. If you have a wonderful recipe but no image- send it in anyway!

Please be aware that it is possible that we may not be able to use every recipe received, and we may need to edit materials/information if necessary.

Thank you and Very Best Wishes,

Cleo and Gerald,  

East Kent Buddhists, Deal, Kent